How to report a crime
If you see a crime in progress or evidence that one has occurred:
- Contact Campus Safety, 734-358-1340 immediately
- If the situation is an emergency, contact the Ann Arbor Police Department at 911 (on or off-campus)
Remember as much information as possible
The following is a helpful list of possible information needed by authorities in an investigation.
Description of a Person:
- What color hair did they have?
- How tall where they?
- Did they have a beard or mustache?
- Did you notice any other facial features?
- What was the person last seen wearing?
- Did the person have any distinguishing features like a tattoo or a birthmark?
Description of an Object:
- Note basics like size, color and shape
- Note identifying features such as a full or partial license plate number, an odor, etc
Description of an incident:
- Stay as objective as possible
- Try and answer as many of the following as you can: who, what, when, where, why, and how
- Keep events in chronological order as much as possible
- State where you were standing or sitting at the time of the incident
Information provided in partnership with PaperClip Communications “Staying Safe on Campus".